Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Define Normal Book Reveiw

                Define Normal by Julie Anne Peters,is about two girls, Antonia Dillon and Jazz Luther, who find that looks may be deceiving. In the beginning, Antonia was peer counseling Jazz, very unhappily, with almost no progress. Once Jazz breaks the ice with Antonia and a friendship begins, Antonia finds that hard punker Jazz isn't all she seems.Playing piano, rich parents, a swimming pool in her kitchen, Jazz's secrets were so unpredictable. Although Jazz's life was amazing, Antonia's wasn't half as rewarding. With her mom diagnosed with clinical depression and no father figure or income in the family, her life was falling off a cliff. Once Mrs. Luther gets involved, that starts to change. However, Chuckie and Micheal, Antonia's brothers, as well as Antonia have to live with a foster family, her mother gets doctoral help and Antonia becomes a normal teenager again. After Ms. Dillon is released, the pieces fall into place and Antonia's life is the way it should be.

               One of the many themes, is that no matter how independent you are, you should ask for help. Antonia was stubborn , she didn't want help. She was the only one in the house to look after her younger brothers, and had no time for herself. Refusing to accept the truth, she always said things would be better. She needs to ask for help, just like everyone else. Independence isn't always good.

               Another of many themes is that no matter who it is you can be friends. Antonia learned that the long way. She and Jazz take a long time the find that they had a lot in common, and are easy friends. The lesson is that if you open up to other people, you might just find a good friend, or two. No one should ever have to be judged by the "group" they are in. Personalities shouldn't be barriers.

               I would recommend this book to everyone, but specifically girls with mom trouble. It would help them know that they aren't the only ones. It sure helped me. This book has a power to comfort everyone, they just need to read it.This book gives me confidence. It will for others too, Define Normal is a motivational book for everyone.

I got this picture from:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Makayla, the Best Archaeologist there Ever Was!

When I grow up I think I'd make a great archaeologist. I've always enjoyed discovering new things. One of my favorite things to do is find solutions to confusing problems, I even have some experience digging in the dirt. I'm really in love with history, I am comfortable in nature, and I enjoy discovering new things, therefore, I will be the best archaeologist that ever was!

History has always come naturally to me. There was that time when I watched history channel for 7 hours straight. I'm always reading nonfictional books about aliens and dinosaurs. Whenever I watch television, I only watch history and discovery channel. Being able to focus on history is the first step along the path to becoming an archaeologist.

Being comfortable in nature is another thing I really enjoy. It's so exciting to go places that I've never been before. When I'm in a new place I feel like a whole new person.I am to natural history, what a rainbow is to the sky. Being able to fit in a new environment for the rest of my life would be easy! 

Enjoying discovery takes a special talent. I gained a lot of experience at school, where classes were fun. I learned a lot about the joy I have when I find new facts. For example, whenever scientists learn something new, I was all over it. The time I spent having fun in school is sure to give me an advantage when it comes to becoming an archaeologist. 

The three most important ingredients required in order to become a successful archaeologist are enjoying history,  being comfortable in nature, and enjoying history, and I've got them all! I want to be the one to discover an actual alien life form. I'm never so happy as when I'm in the midst of discovery. It's like my teacher said,"Happiness is in success." When I learn, I am joyous, and that's why I'll be the best archaeologist there ever was!

This is the cite I got my picture from.