Thursday, March 8, 2012

Science Systems Essay: Letter to the Human Body Corporation

Dear Human Body Corporation:

If you had to choose, would you want money, or movement? This is your choice. To fire me, would mean less costs (or so you think). To keep me would mean a longer life, in the end, more money, and better health. If you choose to fire me, however, you will have no way to operate your other systems, large medical bills, and if you choose to just fire the rest of my department, nervous twitches and paralysis. Do not fire me.

One of the consequences of firing me is no way to control the other systems. This would cause certain death, not just because if would shut down your,"power plant" (brain), but t would kill all the smaller, yet still vital, systems. The other more important systems would also die and kill this company in turn. If you would like to keep the company up and running, don't fire me. 

Yet another reason not to fire me is that there will be large medical bills trying to save me. This would put you deeper in debt and ruin your purpose of firing me. You don't know if you can pay for me anyway, so you might end up dead. If it doesn't it still poses no profit.

The last consequence I will bring up is that firing some of my department isn't any better. The Human Body Corp. would no longer work properly, It would shorten the company's life span and cause agonizing last years. Ending in great discomfort isn't appetizing to anyone.

If you choose to fire me you will have no way of operating the company, large medical bills ending in deeper debt, and paralysis without the rest of my team. We've been through a lot together, it shouldn't end here. If profit is on your mind, stay calm and it will come eventually. I think the Human Body Corporation should choose movement and not fire the nervous system.

Thank you for your consideration, The Nervous System

I got this picture of nerves and arteries at:

Check out more stuff about the nervous system at:

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